Sunday, October 31, 2010


huhu ari ni peperiksaan bgi sume plajar IPTHO sudah bermula

walaupon pelbagai jenis halangan dan dugaan yg menimpa

tpi pelajar IPTHO Msti kuat.....

menghadapi peperiksaan ibarat melawan PAIN dlm cite naruto

anda msti bijak menggunakan:

kebijaksanaan spr SHIKAMARU

Kekuatan supernatural spr SAKURA

Kepekaan spr SHINO

Ketenangan spr NEIJI

Kepantasan spr KIBA

Kecekapan spr TENTEN

jika sume ni digabungkan pasti diowg dpt kalahkan PAIN tanpa perlu menunggu NARUTO DAN KATAK2NYE hahhaha

so time pkse jgn pula harap heroin atau hero menyelamatkan anda


Saturday, October 30, 2010

Percentage of the day

sleep: 40%


read a novel: 1%







Friday, October 29, 2010


kEputusan sape yg bleh masuk pekse telah diketahui siang tadi

dua owg batch aq kantol tpi bukan classmate aq

huhu kesian gile tpi org dah x nak kesiankan diri sndiri

harap2 jdi pengajaran buat sume classmateku

ponteng biar berpada2

kang beras dah menjadi nasi beriani bru nak menyesal

tpi sekurang-kurangnya nasi beriani boleh dimakan klu x jadi

huhu pikiaq la cndri....

aduhh cepatlah pekse

nak balik umah

minggu dpn selame 4 hari aq akan berada di umah

yahooooo welcome deepavali....

buat2 rakan2 semoga berjaya dlm peksa sem 3

harap2 x de yg kantol..

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Gejala nak exam kt IPTHO(part 2)

Gejala nak exam pada post yg lalu hanya berlaku di universiti,matriks,sekolah menengah dan bukannya berlaku di IPTHO.INI MERUPAKAN GEJALA EXAM DI IPTHO:

1.membaca hanya malam peperiksaan sahaja(tanpa rase risau siap main PAIRS lagi)

2.membaca dengan kadar yg cepat dengan harapan dpt bukak fb atau blog dgn cepat

3.start buka mp3 kuat2 sbb malas nak baca

4.klu borak dgn member hanya pasal SKOP YG DIBERI OLEH LECTURER atau rse bosan cite
pasal bola

5.megi IRWAN akan abis cepat disebabkan ramai YG stay up memekak satu aras

6.lupe kt mne letak nye buku time sok nak exam bru nak carik

7.dalam status FB tulis"BILE NAK BALIK RUMAH"

8.tIME ni la menyesal knape x study LEBIH LAMBAT LAGI sbb lec BGI SKOP hahaha



> 1. Bosset Wine Gum

> 2. Dairy Milk Coklat

> 3. Coklat Cadbury/ Chewing Gum

> 4. Sugus Strawberry

> 5. Passer Doily Mixture

> 6. Trebo Mint Chewing Gum/ Peppermint

> 7. Scothes Vikmin

> 8. Share Extra Atrenght

> 9. Black Current Jelly

> 10. Royal Gulaman & Decart Oranges

> 11. Valvis Gelatin

> 12. Sarung Kapsul Ubat

> 13. Ais Krim dalam bekas plastik

> 14. Gula-gula Fruities

> 15 Cake Mets Vilber Punch

> 16 Coklat Cake

> 17 Tepung Kastard Lady's Choice

> 18 Semua jenis Jelly

> 19 Semua jenis gincu bibir

> 20 Keseluruhan Jenis Sheisedo

> 21 Lady's Choice Jelly

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

geJALA2 nak exam

Symptom symptom student bila final exam minggu depan.

  1. Membaca tanpa menghiraukan sekeliling. Yang kepoh jadi pendiam. (orang masuk keluar bilik pun tak perasan, kalau orang tanya pun muka pandang nota je, jawab pon nak tak nak. Kalau jalan.jalan tersepak batu tu, reaksi dia lambat sikit. Sebab otak full load )
  2. Membaca dengan kadar yang cepat. (entah faham ke tak belakang kira, sebab nak jawab subjektif, hentam pon boleh, yang penting ada point nak goreng )
  3. Nak turun café tu fikir 2,3 kali. Tak pun sekali sehari je. Tu pun bungkus.cepat. jimat masa makan kat bilik. Sambil makan boleh membaca apa yg patut.
  4. Time nak exam baru laaa nak full semayang. Solat sunat sampai nak batal air sembahyang. Doa macam.macam. (dan.dan. tapi alhamdulillah)
  5. Agak yang nak mereng tu start la nak bukak mp3 volume paling sakit telinga. Tapi time ni memang tak sakit telinga. Sebab sakit otak lebih dari sakit telinga.
  6. Masa tidur pon boleh terbayang-bayang yang baca tadi(ada tu siap ambik handout letak tepi bantal. Moga-moga dapat buat daya serapan terus lagi bagus.
  7. Masa borak dengan kawan pun cakap pasal pelajaran je. (ni part tak leh blah la. Time mandi pun ada yang tanya-tanya. Dahsyat.)
  8. Kalau main message tu balas sikit.sikit je. Pendek pendek. Tak de mase nak fikir taip panjang.panjang.
  9. Sebab nak exam duduk dalam bilik je. Mengadap handout, buku, nota.nota. (jadi beruang kutub, sampai rambut serabai pon tak perasan) selalunye merayau g bilik orang. Tak pun kluar. G main bowling lah. Tgk wayang lah. Pantang ade mase terluang.
  10. Nak buang sampah pun terbawak pen. (ni kes cuak sangat ni)
  11. Agak2 stok megi tu habis kot untuk orang yang gila study. Jimat masa nak turun café masak air je pastu letak megi. Nak budak pandai sikit tak makan megi. Minum milo. Makan biskut hup seng ke, nestum ke. Roti memang dah prepare dah. Suruh mmber beli.
  12. Nak bukak facebook rasa tak senang gila. Perghh. Membazir.masa. (time ni memang tertekan gila. Kena berperang dengan diri sendiri nak bukak facebook, formspring,blog . Sebab laptop depan mata. Kabel/wifi kat sebelah je. Exam minggu depan. Nanti duduk depan facebook memang buku OFF9 terus.)
  13. Time ni ah baru bukak buku tebal. Bukak kamus tu yang tak tahan tu. Masa lecture dulu tak faham tak de hati pulak nak bukak kamus kan. ;P
  14. Asyik-asyik tengok jam je. Sampai tak cukup jam handphone, jam tangan. Tanya lagi mmber sebelah. Haihhh. Keliru sangat budak nih.
  15. Stok Nescafe, kopi tongkat ali, kopi mak dara, cucu dara semua memang ade lah. Nak stay up.
  16. Hah. Ni memang sure. Meja studi bersepah gila. Mana dengan highlighternya. Pen biru, hitam , merah. Kertas-kertas memang confirm bersepah punya. Agak2 ade nota yang hilang tu mula nak naik angin. Buku semua terbukak. Kalau ada buku tambahan dari library tu semua nak dibukaknya serentak. Ada tu 4,5 buku serentak bukak.
  17. Masa ni lah status facebook, blog “mintak maaf. Doakan exam nanti”
  18. Muka blurr je. Sebab otak dah full tank. Makan sorang-sorang pon dah tak heran. Sebab tak nak membazir mase lepak ramai-ramai. Nanti ade je bende nk borak.
  19. Kalau nak cakap pon tersasul-sasul. Salah cakap. Pastu cakap benda merepek je. Muka dah la cam zombie. Cakap merepek.repek sebab otak fikit handout, nota tak baca lagi vs nak jalan-jalan. Nak borak.borak. sampai satu tahap rasa nak rebus buku dengan handout semua. lagi merepek die cakap sebenarnye, lagi banyak topic die tak cover tu.
  20. Time ni jugak lah baru terfikir kenapa lah aku tak study awal2. Kan senang. Haihh. Pastu ada pulak yang buat azam untuk semester depan. Tak nak buat dah macam sem sekarang. *padahal tiap2 sem azam sama. Tak berubah gak. Tak pun menjadi semangat dia masa awal sem je. Sampai minggu ketiga dah hancusss.

p/s; aku rasa even budak pandai yang dah score markah carry marks pon study menggelabah jugak. Cuma diorang steady lagi la dari student yang study last minit. Muehehe. Konklusinya, jangan usik budak nak exam. Cepat je die nak naik darah. Sebab hormone dia semua tengah berlaga-laga. Otak pun dah overload.


my semester three exam just around the corner

should i study so hard?

no worth hmmm i think.....

feel so lazy

it is just like wrapping my body right now...

so tired....

is there any treatmen for lazy's disease...

tell me about it

huh maybe exam loathes me so much...i guess

it is very getting on my nerves...

exam is just like a cannibal to me

anytime can eats me...

totally scared when think about it....

but i hope i will get a better result than semester two

ok gud luck to all my frenz.....

study smart not study hard..

Monday, October 25, 2010


The bar graph shows the reason why peoples blog.A study was carried out to find out why

the peoples blog.From the table,we can deduce that they are six main reasons why peoples have

a blog.

A large numbers of peoples said that money is the main reason why they have a

blog.However less than half of the respondents said that the blog is just for networking.A

possible reason for this difference would be that the peoples know to find the money through the

blog but now peoples are not knowing blog as a networking.It is more than that.

The peoples like to have blog just for fun.Probably it is the effective way to express their

feelings or tell their story on the blog.Then,they will enjoy it.

About 230 respondents think that blog is important to introduce themselves to the other

peoples through the profile.This is the best way to get know other peoples.

The other minor reason why peoples had a blog is to raise their business.Now,businessmen

is awaring the important of blog on their business.They can increase their selling and

productivity too.

It is maybe other reason why peoples have a blog.Maybe it is just to share the useful

information to others especially students.

From the information given in the bar graph,it can be concluded that blog is very important

social networking to peoples for many reasons.This study reveals that the reason why peoples

have a blog.

note:this is just practises for my upcoming english language essay examination.let me know if

there are some grammatical errors.thank you for your reading.have a nice day

Sunday, October 24, 2010

ciri2 blog yang aq benci.....

ini dye antara blog yg aq x suke jgn terase klu ade yg terkena pd kowg yg byk sgt widget hahaha berat siyot nak bukak pakai wireless maktab yg ade widget lagu n x leh nak stop lagu tu mengacau jek aq tgh layan lagu yg HEADER dye beso gedabak x tahu ape yg perlu yg panjang sgt citenye...sory bce cket jek yg suke bercintan-cintun i mean klu boleh satu dunia nak tayang yg dye tu ade gf atau bf mess yg aq follow x reti update......... yg tulisannya macam WARNA PELANGI pening beb nak bce.. yg postnye tulis pktaan NO MOOD jek.toksah la tulis klu x de mood menyemak kt

Saturday, October 23, 2010

10 lagu menggamit MEMORI


fuhhhh ni memanG LAGU FEVERET mse form 4 hari2 melalak lagu ni ahaksss..


seriously mse kecik suke gile lagu rock + techno ni ahahah


lgu ni sgt sedih bile tinggalkan sekolah menengah sains muar mase form 4 keh3 jiwang siyot


keh3 klako gile bile time dgr lagu ni ingat pompuan yg nyanyi lagu ni ahahahh


sedih dgr lagu ni mse putus cinta for the first time.....

6.DONT TRUST ME(30H3)-2009

hahah lagu ni msti nak wat aq menari jek bila dgr........


First time minat lady gaga


Damn it! lagu ni bjye wat aq menitis air mata


again linkin park is the best......


lagu yg aq paling benci kt malaysia niiihhhh........

ok fine aq jawab

soalan drp blog org lain yg tag nme aq:

0. Apakah yang anda sedang lakukan 30 minit yang lalu?

study.....emmm boring la soalan ni

1. 2 jam yang lalu?

makan...x de soalan mencabar ke

2. Anda suka

makan n tido

3. Minggu lepas

x ingat,knape x nak tanya tahun dpn pulak

4.Tiga lagu yang boleh anda dengar berulang-ulang kali

impossible(shontelle),the catalyst(linkin park),only girl(rihanna)

5.3 binatang yang anda tak suka

6.5 fakta tentang anda
check kat profile

7. Tahun depan mungkin

bru jumpa soalan ni.....

8. Saya tak reti

ape yg saye x reti

9. Saya pandai
ape yg saya pandai

10. Kawan saya

kawan ko jgk

11. Saya ada
ape yg saya ada

12. Saya seorang

yg x mungkin keseorangan

13. Adik saya

panggil saya abang

14. Saya tak pernah bosan dengan (senaraikan 4)

main squash,makan,tido n x lupe klas en yahya

15. Bilakah pertama kali anda bercinta?

mind your business....

17. Saya rindu

once again it none of your business

18. Saya tak sabar

ape yg saya sabar

19. Laman yang anda selalu layari


20. Siapa yang anda mahu tag?

malas nak tag sesape...

0. Apakah yang anda sedang lakukan 30 minit yang lalu?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

kalah lagi..............................


rse sANgat pening kpale + penat teramat sangat

tdi kalah truk bola tampar pagi tadi

huh masuk lak wakil BC hahahaah

x nmpk muke aq cam cine langsung.......

hanya boleh gelak sepanjang match berlangsung

pecah perut....

ptg lak ade klas bm aduhh ngantok gile sbb bru lps makan ubat selsema

damn it..............

ptg pon x turun squash n tenis sbb penat tersangat2

still recovery

have an exhausted weeks

Sunday, October 17, 2010


my life is like elevator

sometimes goes up

sometimes goes down

but continue moving by itself

no matter what we're said

seems just same like my life

my life is continue moving without care what peoples said about me

tHerE ARE a lot of precautions when on the elevator

so bad things never happen

i am so careful with my life

do not want to face the consequences

a LOT of peoples are with me on elevator

thats means a lot of peoples accompany me in my life

because we are no alone.....................

Saturday, October 16, 2010



abis jgk match VOLLEYBALL

tdi tapi kalah sumer match


mungkin x de connection kot

tambahan memang aq dah jangka awal2 dah

kiteowg just PENYERI TOURNAMENT jek

kAKi PON Injured cket ni campur luka2 mse wat DIVE tdi

tpi kira puas hati laaa

x pe bak kte RANDY jaCKSON kpd peserta AMERICAN IDOL yang tersingkir


lagIPon ade TOURnament untuk opsyen lak lps ni

harap2 kami menang

buat pasukan wanita sem 3 CONGRATS atas kejayaan anda

ok still in the recovery now


Friday, October 15, 2010

malam hari JUMAAT



exhausted gile lps maen squash bersame member n junior

huhu tapi aq berjaya memberikan performance yang terbaek mase main tdi

cume kureng pantas jek

oklah sok aq ade KAGUM bola tampar

gud luck wat team kiteowg

x lupe jgk kpd bdk pompuan SEMESTER 3

gud night............

Thursday, October 14, 2010


hahaha kli ni x de mende nak post
cuma terimalah gubahan lagu BAD ROMANCE oleh
aq sebagai komposer

Caught in a bad mouthed

Watch out your bad mouthed

Watch out your bad mouthed

I hate your style
I hate your disease
I hate your everything
As long as it's bad
I hate your mouth
(hate-hate-hate I hate your love)

I want the puppy
The kiss of your head
I want your suffer from you talk
I hate your mouth
I want your love
(hate-hate-hate I hate your mouth)

You know that I dont know you
And you know that I hate you
I hate it bad, your bad mouthed

I hate your mouth and
I want to revenge
You just would like to be bad mouthed
I hate your mouth and
All your talks' revenge
You just would like to be bad mouthed

Caught in a bad mouthed
Caught in a bad mouthed

Watch your bad mouthed

I hate your horror
I hate your style
'Cause you're a criminal
As long as you're bad mouthed
I hate your love
(hate-hate-hate I hate your mouth-uuhh)

I hate your psycho
Your just sick
hate you in my real life
Bitch you're sick
I hate your mouth
I hate your mouth
(hate-hate-hate I hate your love)

You know that I hate you
('Cause you're a freak bitch baby!)
And you know that I dont know you
I hate your bad, bad mouthed

Caught in a bad romance
Caught in a bad romance

I hate your mouth and
I want to revenge
You just would like to be bad mouthed
I hate your mouth and
All your talks' revenge
You just would like to be bad mouthed


Watch out your bad mouthed

damn, damn your fashion
damn it
Move that bitch crazy

damn, damn your fashion
damn it
Move that bitch crazy
damn it
you're a freak bitch

I hate your mouth and
I hate your style
I hate your mouth
I don't wanna be friends

peNAT sudah


penat gile

main squash,tenis,jdi referee volleyball

seriously sgt penat nak mampos

huhu ari ni main double tenis ngan member aq

abis melecet tgn dan kaki aq hahahhah

thx to noly zaini pemblogger this is my lovely world yg sudi gak bermain tdi

walaupon slalu melepas n BOCOR bola tetapi tetap enjoy ahhhhaaa

lps tu main squash punyelah penat

tdi wat match ngan seorang senior

abis kalah 11-5 ,11-2

aq punye dropshot sgt teruk gilee plus bru penat main tenis.....

kpd kawan2 jgnlah suke kite MEMANGKAH member seperti yg berlaku pd member aq

dah kantoi jgn libatkan org lain........

p/s:agak2 x suke bce DGN SEGALA HORMAT KUAR PAGE NI.x nak jdi gaduh gara2 post di atas lebih2 lgi UNKNOWN PEOPLES YG BAJET HOT TU.kaNg x psl aq dimaki oleh ORG YG X BERTAMADUN i know you?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


hei ari ni agak marah lagi

sbb terjumpa status fb yg berjudul ADE ORANG GILE NAK SERANG AQ

lebih to the UNKNOWN

UR SO selebet

ko yang serang aq dulu macam orang GILE

pastu nak ckp aq plak yang GILE

perangai cam dari planet BITCH

aq senyap2 malas nak panjang2kan cite

ko plak nak lelebih

dah lah remove post ko

nak menampakkan aq plak yang GILE sgt nak serang ko

hellowwww ANJING KT tmpt aq pon x ingin nak serang pompuan

SELEBET cam ko

x payah dipertikai lagi

ingat dah settle dah ropenye kemain sedap lagi kte aq GILE lak

apa KES sape sERANG sape dulu?

lps tu buat la status fb yg ko tu kne serang ngan orang gile

nak mintak simpati la tu


DAHl lah X matang n MATURE langsung

serang orang GARA IDOL KO yang diaNGUNGKAN TU....

wei x luak la wei klu aq kutuk IDOL ko

bukan dye bagi ko MAKAN pon

yucksss ur nearly 20 years old but still thinking like KIDS

X LEH dinafikan lagi mmg sgt SELEBET bkn dari segi fesyen shaaja

dah lah x mintak maap serang org dulu cam org GILE

DIkate nye aq yang mangsa nii ORG GILE

pstu pi canang satu dunia yang ko tu DIATTACK

prgai cam MAK JOYAH

tetapi daripada segi THINKING x lupa juga MOUTH

i am wrong person YG KO NAK CARI GADUH X TENTU PSL

DAh lah psl IDOL lak tu ngan AQ SKALI IKUT X MATANG

rse cam bangang

lagipon dah banyak cite buruk psl ko org kte selami ni aq dgr

aq wat dek je bkn aq knal ko sgt pon MALAS NAK CAMPUR

hahh ni semua org kte psl ko bkn rekaan semata2

A.mulut jahat-sgt2 BETUL
b.uneducated-x paham ape yang dimaksudkan oleh orang tersebut
c.socialize-mmm no komen hak ko....
D.suke cari gaduh-PIKIR LA SENDIRI
E.suka maki-itupon hak ko sbb almost semua org suke maki.....

