Tuesday, October 12, 2010

ntah ape ape jek la ...

huhu perFeCT oR not.......

im admitted that im not perfect

but i think peoples can condemn me easily by your words.

i dont even know you

you such a thrash

i don t even care wat are you said...

go to the hell with that...

hmmm about the previous post

i think i have right to CURSE them

no matter how peoples said about me


huhuhu wat ever......

you such a bitch come out from puppy's back

besides, i dont say all MINAH BERTUDUNG BODOH.....(kejap pakai tudung kejap x ade ati nak mengutuk aq) YUCKSSSS bajet HOT jek

Can you understand it!!

nahhhh im understand you are such a FREAK

I DONT even care if someones want to critics my idOL

wat i care.....

it's just my opinions

you dont have even care..................

about im qualified or not to be here!!

of coz im qualified,you just such a desperate person to attack peoples like that coz you are surrounding by your MULUT LONGKANG

I think if you want to be here one day,huhu you're not disqualified due to your TIGHT JEANS

surrounding by your body..... OHHH forget

come on

it just post....... and i dont even care what are you writing in your post.....just read and BLAH after that

dont want to quarrel witH UNKNOWN Peoples

p/s:no matter who you are,i dont know you,so plz sit quiely in your place and ignore my blog
if you dont like it

pendek cite x de kuase lah nak gaduh ngan orang yang x kenal lebih2 lagi bermulut LONGKANG cam ko bercampur tudung lilit kain kapan ko tu bersame jeans ketat yang mampu buat sistem peranakan ko merana...................

bye bye

have a nice day

TOday will never become a FAIRYTALE(modified lagu taylor swift yang x sedap langsunng tu)



SHAHIR AF-OMg He's so crap.i dont know what are special about him.i think his voice is just better that croacking of FROGS.Wat the hell song?kebahagiaan...... nahhh i dont remember.sorry to all shahir's fan but he is suck...

LiYANA jasmay-SHE's such a second BRITNEY SPEARS except of her GENRE.But at least britney can dance with well.AKU TAK PERCAYA CINTA is the worst SONG that i had ever heard.shE is just jumping around the stage LIke a crazy people with the crap songs.i hope there is no singer like her in MALAYSIA.she is ruining our music industry

YUNA-sorry to say but he just like colbie callilat.she doesnt have her own identity.first time i heard DAN SEBENARNYA WAS so sweet.but one day i heard her sang live on TV wow
her voice like a man.Besides,i dont like her outfit..damn so miserable

Wali band- hahhahha omg THEy such a miserable band.CARI JODOH is fucking song that i had
ever heard.their genre is so bad.no iDEntity.i hate all songs of them....

MAWI-damn he is so suck.ADUH SALIHA....i dont know why peoples love that song that much
but at least he got BOOOO from audiences at ANUGERAH BINTANG POPULAR
now,peoples realize he is bad singer but not HIS ATTITUDES.


Kali ni aq nak cite pasal warna dari segi perspektif lelaki(pndapat aq jek):
putih :sudah tentu bagi aq melambangkan suci but for the GEGIRLS yang suke sgt pkai bju putih
hati2 sbb silap ari bulan anda kelihatan BUDAK SKOLA BRU ABIS BLAJA CHEMIST

hITam:huh msti nampak VIOLENT gileee.aq pon faveret jgk warna ni but for ladies outside kne la hati2 cket sbb klu tersalah pilih warna hitam anda kelihatan seperti baru habis
in black

Pink;HUh tentu ramai pompuan yang suke sgt warna ni.org kte pompuan yang suke pink
penyayang dan GEDIK cket OPSSSSS!

mERAh:huh slah satu warna faveret aq but be careful bagi GIRLS yang suke padankan
warna hitam n RED ni sbb nnti anda KElihataN cam BDK POMPUAN GOTHIC YANG TERSESAT LAK

Hijau:Tenang sgt bile pkai bju HIJAU DAUN PISANG but klu x hati2 anda macam kelihatan

OrEN:wARNA ni pling aq benci damn cam spotlight jek.......

Oklah ni jek pndapat aq tentang warna2 ni

klu korang x suke....mmm nak wat ape

WHO'S CARE..........................